
Fishers, Indiana Beginning Piano Lessons

Is your child a beginning piano player? Are you looking for piano lessons in or near Fishers, Indiana? We’re so glad you’ve found us.

Music is a universal language. It can speak to our spirit and gives a positive way to express emotions.

At Eppert Piano Studio, we believe, everyone has the ability to play a musical instrument and play it well enough to receive enjoyment and fulfillment from the experience.

Our studio’s job is to bring out each person’s innate musical abilities, while making piano fun.

For beginning students, one of the best instruments to start with is the piano. Once you learn how to play the piano, picking up anything else is relatively easy, as the basic lessons teach fundamentals of music and structure.

What Do Beginning Piano Students Learn?

Our beginning piano is for students with little or no prior piano study. Students learn the basics first, such as how to read sheet music, how to identify the piano keys by name and placement, chord progression and fingering techniques. We utilize fun games and manipulatives to help teach concepts and each one hour group class is planned with up to 13 different activities to hold each child’s interest the entire class.

Students must have a piano or keyboard with full size, touch sensitive keys at home for daily practice. It is best to practice at home 5-6 days a week for 15-20 minutes at a time to keep up with the class and reach full potential.


Have Questions?

When it comes to learning an instrument, especially piano, there can be many questions that perhaps you were not even aware of until you got started. The knowledgeable instructors at Eppert Piano Studio are always happy to answer questions, just reach out via phone or email.



99 Roving St, Indonesia


(+123) - 1234 - 234